My Practice
In our sessions, we will meet together to better understand your feelings and experiences by exploring the meaning(s) of your present and past experiences and how they affect how you feel, think and behave. Increasing your awareness and deepening your understanding of your experiences will contribute to gain alternative perspectives which will lead you to make the changes you need.
I also believe that is very important to integrate and raise awareness about your cultural values and how they define who you are in the world. We will talk about your family of origin and explore how the most important and/or your primary relationships also contributed to who you are.
I work in a very collaborative manner and use a holistic way to understand my clients as unique human beings. I use a combination of approaches such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Existential and Phenomenological Psychotherapy, Child-Parent Psychotherapy, Mindfulness, Body-Oriented Psychotherapy etc, choosing the ones that are more suitable for each client and taking into account their needs and goals in therapy.
I have a vast experience in working with children, adolescents and adults.
Treatment approaches I may use:
Play Therapy: Children will often communicate and express their feelings through a natural, self-guided play time. Play therapy creates an opportunity for children to address their trauma in a safe environment and find healthier ways of dealing with it, and develop emotional regulation and social skills.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: The main focus is to explore how your thoughts, your feelings and your behaviors are connected.
Body-Oriented Psychotherapy: I use a holistic view of the human beings, and believe the body is as important as the ideas we have about ourselves and it is a precious source of knowledge. If you feel comfortable and agree with, I will invite you to bring awareness to how you body experience your emotions and help to integrate somatic memories and experiences relate to past traumas, and help to reconnect to your essence and source of vitality.
Child-Parent Psychotherapy: I work with children from 0 to 5 years old and their parents or caregivers, and the main focus is to promote secure attachment essential for a healthy social, emotional and physical development. CPP also promotes reflective parenting, support and trauma-focused work to address parent's past traumatic experiences that may be affecting their parenting skills.
Mindfulness: I integrate the principles of mindfulness which invite us to be in the present and observe our thoughts and feelings without judging them good or bad. It is an invitation to be connected to your life and to the wisdom of your body.
Family Systems: A person cannot be understood out of the context of where s/he was raised. In using a family systems approach, we will explore the most important relationships and how the family members affected who you are and the roles you had in our family.
Behavioral Therapy: Focus on identifying maladaptive behaviors and making changes. It is very useful in treating children and adolescents.